Saturday, 26 November 2011

What is the best way to generate traffic to my web page?

Quite often I am asked what mailing list, what safe list, or what ad exchange is the best to use. I get asked how I generate traffic to my landing page or web site. How do I get my web page to the top of the search engines?
All of the above are good questions, if.....
If your web page is looking to build a subscriber list.
If your web page is attempting to sell a product or service.
If you are promoting an event or selling tickets.
If you just want to find readers of an article that you have written.

My question is "What do you want your web page to do? What kind of readers do you want visiting your web page?"

I have been marketing on line since before there was an Internet. How can that be you ask?
Well I have been involved in sales and marketing since the 1960's. I have done sales in Brick and mortar stores, Radio, TV, and Newspapers. I have knocked on doors; I have mailed postcards, and worked the phones.
Then, still before the Internet, I owned and operated my own Electronic Bulletin Board Service. Using all of these methods I have done sales. The most important thing I learned is to target my advertising to the results I wanted to achieve from the people I was advertising to.

For the last thirty plus years I have spent a large part of my time teaching others how to sell, and how to market and advertise what they are selling.

I have said all of the above to let you know that I do have the back ground and experience to help you succeed at what you are trying to accomplish in the area of marketing.

What Are You Trying to Sell With Your Web Page?
The first question I must ask all of my students and clients is "what are you selling with your web page? After all selling is the primary purpose of any web page. It doesn't matter if you are selling information, a service, a product, or just an idea. You could be selling others on the Idea that a certain person or politician is the best person for a particular job and or office. 
These days I deal primarily in the area of network marketing. It is still selling and still requires visitors to your web site in order for it to do its job. The real question though is what is the job that your web page needs to do? 
Let me take just a minute here to describe what Network Marketing really is and where and why most people go astray when it comes to traffic to their web sites. Network marketing is best described as "Relationship Marketing".  With network marketing the goal is to create a large number of sales of a product, service, or information by having a large number of associates sell just a little. This is different from "normal" sales which strive to move a large amount of Products, Service, or information with the efforts of only a few people or associates. The goal of either way is to make a large number of sales. The theory behind Network marketing is that it is easier for an individual or small group to make a small number of sales than a large number of sales. If you have a large number of individuals making just a small number of sales collectively you have made a large number of sales.
Now we come to where most network marketers go astray. Unfortunately they arrive at the mistaken Idea that they must create either a lot of sales or enlist the aid of a lot of people.
Network marketing actually involves a small group of people or associates that each enlists the help of a small group of people that duplicate the efforts of those that enlisted them by enlisting a small group each itself. The net results are a large group of people each selling just a little and enlisting just a few people. Also the bottom line is a larger amount of products, services, and or information being sold. 
This brings us to the fact that the quality of the relationship that you have with the visitors that come to your web site is far more important that the quantity of people. This is where most network marketers FAIL. They attempt to recruit a large quantity of strangers and then develop relationships in stead if developing good solid relationships with just a few people and then introducing them into their business or opportunities.
All of the above leads us to the fact that if you are using Safe list, Traffic Exchanges, purchased Mail List, or similar methods of advertising to total strangers you are going to FAIL, PERIOD.
All of the above methods have and serve a good purpose but they are just the wrong way to go about building a networking business.
You MUST develop a true relationship; make friends, with the people you are going to recruit before you attempt to recruit them.
Let's Put The Numbers To It.  
Most networking businesses require 12 to 18 months to build a solid base or business. Too many would be net-workers often get in a hurry to fail.
Let's use 18 months for our first example. Your goal is to find quality people and develop a solid relationship with these people. Next you will want to teach the people you recruit to duplicate exactly the things you do so that they will also be able to be successful recruiting quality, NOT quantity, people and develop relationships.
If you "Sponsor", for our purpose sponsor is defined as developing a relationship, recruiting, and teaching a new member to duplicate what you do, just 1 good new associate a month, that duplicates what you do, you will have a total of 262144 associates in your networking business. The most important things to make note of here and keep in mind is that you only sponsored 18 of those people and that you work with those 18 to develop leaders that duplicate what you do. 
Now with 262144 associates in your networking business do you think you can make money?
Look at what happens in month 19. You now will have 524288
(Over 1/2 a million people) in your networking business. If you made $1 from each of those people each month you would make over $6 million a year. DO you think that that would affect your lifestyle?
That is a very realistic goal to work for and doable if you simply teach everyone to do what you do. The beauty of it all is you only need to teach 18 people to duplicate your efforts. Your biggest Job, as you will soon learn, is to develop leaders that will duplicate you and develop leaders of their own.

Now let’s take a smaller example. I am currently building a networking business model that requires less people to maximize the pay plan. With as little as 1280 people that will duplicate my efforts and do what I will attempt to teach them I will be able to make similar money to the example above. 
Now using the same example as above how long should it take to build a networking business with at least 1280 people? The answer is less than 11 months. 
Let me ask you, would it be worth a year of your life to develop that kind of business and the life style that goes along with it? Would you rather waste your time and money advertising to total strangers that in all probability will NOT produce any new members that will develop into the kind of leaders you need to secure your future? Would it not be better seeking to find new friends and developing relationships and leaders?

How Do You Find That One Person A Month? 
That is my subject of my next report. Do not miss it.

Mike Lyles

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